
10 Computer Skills Employers Want You to Know

We live in an increasingly technological world, and even if your dream job is not rooted in computers, there are a few essential computer skills that you should have a firm grasp on regardless of what you are doing. Your competence with computers makes you more marketable as an employee and assures employers that you […]

In the News: UWA Professor Discovers Two New Species of Mint in Alabama

At the University of West Alabama, we take pride in the fact that our faculty works hard to continuously make strides and advancements in their respective fields of study. This happened recently, when one University of West Alabama professor made headlines for his discovery of two new species of mint in Alabama. As reported by […]

Valentine’s Day Feature: Flower Colors and Their Meanings

Whether it’s a day you embrace with open arms or one that you run and hide from, Valentine’s Day has arrived in 2017. For many, February 14 is a day to celebrate love and those who we love. Cliché as it may sound, one of the most popular ways people still communicate their messages of […]

Course Spotlight: Growing Your Business With Self-Publishing 1207

Self-publishing materials is an excellent way to grow your business and legitimize yourself as an expert in your respective field. Now, you can learn exactly what you need to do to be a successful self-publisher through UWA Online Continuing Education! “Growing Your Business With Self-Publishing 1207” is one of three courses required to earn a […]

A Look at UWA’s Lake LU

Since Alabama’s winter has been unseasonably warm, we’ve had more opportunities lately to get outside and enjoy it. If you are a UWA student, a resident of Sumter County or someone just looking for a day trip, consider checking out Lake LU on the University of West Alabama’s campus. Opened in 1976, Lake LU is […]

Course Spotlight: Introduction to Game Design 1242

We all know that people play games for entertainment, but did you know that they can also have practical applications for businesses? In Introduction to Game Design, students will not only learn the ins and outs of the design and development of video games, but will particularly focus on games that are used beyond consumer […]

Is Continuing Education Right For Me? Ask Yourself These 7 Questions

As human beings, we should never stop learning. Not only can learning enrich our lives throughout our lifetimes, but it can also open doors to career opportunities beyond the scope of the degree we earned in high school or college. For some people, a career advancement is the main incentive for continuing education. For others, […]

Strengthening Educational Bonds With the Rural Schools Collaborative

Rural public education has in the past and currently faces its share of challenges, but one national group is striving to help overcome the hurdles that rural schools are facing. The University of West Alabama College of Education is an active partner of the Rural Schools Collaborative. The Rural Schools Collaborative is a non-profit organization […]

Course Spotlight: Introduction to 3D Printing 1241

Also referred to as additive manufacturing, 3D printing boasts a long list of applications that have the potential to revolutionize the world in terms of industry, art, education and research and even the legal system. In “Introduction to 3D Printing 1241,” students will learn what 3D printing can be used for and how to implement […]