Course Spotlight: Essentials 3666 essentials 3666

The prevalence of social media leads employers to look for individuals skilled in popular forms of blogging tools. Blogging to advertise and provide information to the public can make a business appear attractive and knowledgeable as well as spread information about a cause or establish a business’ leadership in the industry. Students of Essentials 3666 will learn to utilize one of the leading blogging platforms in social media.


The course will not only demonstrate how to publish WordPress blogs optimized for images, links, galleries, and video, but explore the

  • selection and customization of blog themes,
  • creation of statistic pages,
  • menu customization,
  • side bar widgets, and
  • blog and social media integration.


The successful completion of Essentials 3666 involves students creating a completed and optimized WordPress blog through an understanding of the various settings and features offered by the platform.


The instructor of Essentials 3666 is Deltina Hay, author of The Social Media Survival Guide, a textbook taught in schools worldwide. Hay is well-written in topics of social media, search optimization, and the mobile web. Her graduate program studies include computer science, applied mathematics, numerical analysis, nonlinear dynamics, and psychology. She has worked in programming and Web development for over 30 years, and currently sits as the Board Chair of the Independent Book Publishers Association.


The course does not require the additional purchase of materials, and will be a 24/7 online class. Tuition is $159, and registration for the course closes Friday, December 15, 2017.


Become a whiz at WordPress blogging today with Essentials 3666, an online continuing education course through UWA Online! To register for Essentials 3666, visit the course listing website. Stay tuned to the UWA Continuing Education blog for more course spotlights, community news and continuing education advice! To browse more of our course offerings, visit!





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