We all know that people play games for entertainment, but did you know that they can also have practical applications for businesses? In Introduction to Game Design, students will not only learn the ins and outs of the design and development of video games, but will particularly focus on games that are used beyond consumer entertainment.
Introduction to Game Design 1242 is a four-week course offered through UWA Online’s Continuing Education program. It is one of two courses required to earn a certificate in Basic Game Design from UWA Online.
The four-week course is divided up as follows:
Unit 1: What Makes a Game?
- Practical definition for a game
- The anatomy of a game
- Games and play
- Different types of games
Unit 2: Essentials of Design
- Getting beyond a game idea
- Game verbs and game mechanics
- Documentation
- Test early, test often
Unit 3: Game Design: Solo and in Teams
- Defining development needs
- Roles in game design
- Finding design and development partners
Unit 4: Serious Game and Gamification
- Games beyond entertainment
- Designing “serious” games
- Gamification
- Designing gamification systems
By the end of the course, students will be able to take a game idea from concept through the game design experience, understand how to work with game developers and understand gamification and its implications in the business world.
Introduction to Game Design 1242 is being offered Feb. 6 through March 3, April 3 through 28 and June 5 through 30!
To register for this course, or to see other course offerings from UWA Online’s Continuing Education program, visit https://uwa.augusoft.net/!